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- ::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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- [ Scene shows crew on the bridge of the Enterprise ]
- Nogura..: Kirk, we have a situation on Regula III...
- [ Scene cuts to show a flying cube in space; cut to Spock ]
- Spock...: Captain, we are being scanned.
- Kirk....: This is damn peculiar.
- [ Cut to interior of Borg ship. ]
- Borg....: We are the Borg. We order you to surrender.
- Kirk....: Starship Captains never surrender!
- Spock...: The Borg ship is following us, and catching!
- Kirk....: Scotty, we need all the power you can muster.
- Scotty..: But Sair, my poor wee bairns canna' take it no more, Cap'n!
- ======================================================================
- S T A R T R E K : T H E C O N T I N U I N G V O Y A G E S
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- TODAY'S EPISODE: "Star Trek - The Motion Wrath Of The Search For The
- Voyage To The Final Frontier, Or, What If The Borg Met
- The Crew Of Enterprise-A? (PART 1)"
- [ You, the viewer, through the eyes of a Panasonic movie camera, see a
- starfield (special effects by Industrial Light & Magic), and move with it,
- through the Sol star system until it reaches planet Earth. As you get taken
- round Earth, you see a spacedock..... Entering spacedock, a starship comes
- into view. Its name: U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701-A..... ]
- Captain's Personal Log, Stardate 2398.273.11
- I am Captain James T. Kirk of the starship...Enterprise, NCC-1701-A. The ship
- has now had all her minor...difficulties fixed by Scotty, so now she is fully
- operational. Everyone has had a good, long shore-leave, and are now all back
- to go on our first exploration mission on Enterprise-A...
- [ SHEESHHHH...The main turbolift doors of the Enterprise class starship open,
- and Captain Kirk steps onto the bridge of the U.S.S. Enterprise...
- Spock...: Welcome aboard, Captain.
- Everyone: Captain!
- Kirk....: Glad to see that everyone is onboard already. We must be ready to
- leave spacedock at 1200 hours, as we must get on our way for our
- 1st exploration mission to the furthest reaches of the galaxy.
- Sulu....: You mean that we are actually going to get to go on an exploration
- mission!
- Chekov..: Wussians invented exploration missions!
- Uhura...: Captain - we are receiving a priority one transmission from
- Starfleet H.Q.
- Kirk....: On main viewer, Uhura.
- Uhura...: Yes, Captain.
- [ The main viewer comes to life, and Admiral Nogura appears. He does not look
- too happy. ]
- Nogura..: Kirk?
- Kirk....: Admiral?
- Nogura..: Kirk?
- Kirk....: Admiral?
- Nogura..: Kirk?
- Kirk....: Admiral?
- Nogura..: Kirk?
- Kirk....: Admiral?
- Nogura..: Kirk, we have a situation on Regula III...
- Kirk....: Regula III? What is it?
- Nogura..: It's a name of a space research station, but that's not important
- right now. We lost contact with it on stardate 2398.270.1, and we
- need to get a starship there as soon as possible. Reports say a
- flying cube was seen in the vicinity.
- Kirk....: Surely there are other ships in that sector who can deal with that
- situation?
- Nogura..: There are other ships, but only one Kirk. We need Jim Kirk, and
- don't call me Shirley.
- Kirk....: But what about our exploration mission?
- Nogura..: You should know by now that the Enterprise never really does
- exploration missions. The viewers want to see the Enterprise and
- her crew in a ship-to-ship battle, a fight or near-death
- situation, not on some boring exploration mission. It's not good
- for the ratings. We want to stay at number 1, otherwise Paramount
- will cut our $1.8 million budget an episode and sell us to the
- BBC. You KNOW how much they gave the Dr. Who series. Now look at
- it!
- McCoy...: He's right. It's dead, Jim! Do you want that to happen to us?
- Kirk....: Sell us to the BBC! OH NO! We're on our way. Enterprise out. Sulu,
- disengage moorings. Chekov, plot a course to Regula III. Scotty,
- we need warp speed...
- Scotty..: But Sair, my poor wee bairns canna' take it Cap'n!
- Kirk....: You said your lines too early!! We haven't even engaged the
- Ridiculously-Fast-Ultra-Transwarp drive, and the viewers haven't
- seen the new rainbow-coloured warp drive special effects by
- Industrial Light & Magic yet!!
- Scotty..: Och...Sorry, Cap'n!
- Kirk....: Uhura, patch me into the ship's p.a. system.
- Uhura...: Yes, Captain.....You're on sir.
- Kirk....: An emergency situation has arisen...
- [ Suddenly groans can be heard on the decks below and all the security
- officers dash into their quarters to write up their transfer orders. ]
- Kirk....: [ Continuing ] By order of Starfleet Command our set exploration
- mission has been replaced. We have been ordered to Regula III...
- This is a new ship, and she's only recently come back from her
- shakedown cruise. Let's hope she lives up to her name of.....
- Enterprise. Kirk out.
- Chekov..: Course plotted, Captain.
- Kirk....: Uhura, get me Spacedock control.
- Uhura...: Spacedock control on, sir.
- Kirk....: Spacedock, request clearance to leave.
- Spacedock: Clearance confirmed, Enterprise.
- Kirk....: Thanks, spacedock.
- Spacedock: Your welcome...and good luck Enterprise...
- Kirk....: Sulu, engage impulse, quarter speed.
- [ Cue music from Jerry Goldsmith..... The Enterprise's lights come on, and
- she comes to life. Slowly she glides towards the gigantic space doors, and
- passes the U.S.S. Excelsior, where there are techicians still trying to
- figure out why Transwarp doesn't work. Scotty just smiles slyly and enters
- the turbolift muttering to himself about "overdoing plumbing" and "stopping
- up drains". The doors come open, and the Enterprise clears the doors. ]
- Sulu....: We have cleared spacedoors...
- Kirk....: Let's see what she's got... warp factor 9...
- Sulu....: Aye, sir... Warp factor 9...
- [ The Enterprise's engines suddenly burst into life and in an instant the
- Enterprise is gone (well, in .01 nanoseconds actually...) As the Enterprise
- gracefully speeds through space at warp 9, every imaginable colour of the
- rainbow appears behind her at a cost of $100,000 per colour. That works out
- at quite a lot you know! ]
- -----
- [ Cue music and start of the famous opening speech... ]
- DA...DA...DA...DA...
- SPACE, still the final frontier...
- These are the continuing voyages of the starship... ENTERPRISE...
- Her ongoing mission,
- To explore strange new worlds,
- To seek out new life forms and new civilizations,
- To boldly go where no-one has gone before...
- -----
- [ Now the dramatic opening scene has been done, we proceed with Star Trek:
- The Continuing Voyages... ]
- -----
- [ In the Captain's quarters aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise-A... ]
- Captain's Log, Stardate 2398.274.12
- We have slowed to impulse speed as we are approaching Regula III. Spock and
- Bones are have just come into my quarters and we are about to find out all
- about Regula III and the scientists there.
- Spock...: Captain, I believe I have collected all available information on
- Regula III.
- Kirk....: And...
- Spock...: Regula III is an M-class planet and is a major research research
- planet for the Genesis II experiment...
- McCoy...: Genesis II? What's that?
- Spock...: I am afraid that that information can only be accessed by the
- Captain.
- Kirk....: Computer?
- Computer: Yes....dear.....
- Kirk....: !!!??!?!! Spock, I thought you said the computers were the new IBM
- Spock...: Yes, however, the software for them are based on the software
- originally used in the original Enterprise.....
- Kirk....: I see...
- McCoy...: Of course you can, you have eyes!
- Kirk....: Bones! Computer, request security code access... Kirk, Captain
- James T.
- Computer: Identify for retina, mouth, ear and brain scan.....
- [ Insert flashy ILM optical effects here. ]
- Computer: Scan complete.... You passed..... dear.....
- Kirk....: Access project Genesis II.
- [ The screen flashes and then the words ... Project:GENESIS II... appears and
- a middle-aged blonde scientist appears on the screen. ]
- Spock...: Carol Marcus!
- Marcus..: Genesis II - what is it? Put simply, Genesis is life from
- lifelessness - you all know about the first Genesis experiment and
- what went wrong... Well, this time we have used a new formula
- without proto-matter.... We have combined molecules at a sub-sub-
- sub-atomic level and re-recreated it to form the basic elements of
- life. Please watch the film, and enjoy the free popcorn.....
- [ An ad for popcorn and a trailer for a Star Trek VII: The Next Generation
- movie appears. Then a short demo of the Genesis II effect appears, costing
- Paramount another $5 million in SFX budget. ]
- Marcus..: As you see, the benefits of Genesis II are incredible - and it
- should be considering the amount I paid ILM for those new fancy
- computer graphics - should the Federation wish to fund the project
- to their logical conclusion. This ends the demonstration...
- [ The screen goes off. ]
- Kirk....: What do you think?
- McCoy...: Well, the trailer for the Star Trek: The Next Generation movie
- looked good.....
- Kirk....: I don't mean that!
- Spock...: How did they make that popcorn? I cannot figure out the formula.
- McCoy...: Ah! An ancient formula passed down from my great-great-great-great
- -great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather.
- Kirk....: Bones!..... Right, what are your views on Genesis II?
- McCoy...: It was a good pilot to a series....
- Gene....: Why, thanks De.
- McCoy...: That's ok, Gene... and thanks for the pay-rise.
- Spock...: What stage are they at?
- Kirk....: Well, the tape was made over a year ago, so I can only assume
- they'd have reached stage 2 by now...
- McCoy...: Dear Lord, who would have thought... What would happen if this was
- used where life exists?
- Spock...: It would destroy such life, in favour of it's new matrix.
- McCoy...: In favour of it's new matrix? Have you any idea what you're
- saying?
- Spock...: I was not attempting to evaluate its moral implications, Doctor.
- As a matter of cosmic history, it has always been easier to
- destory life than to create it.
- McCoy...: Not anymore, now you can do both at the same time! According to
- myth the Earth was created in 6 days - now watch out - here comes
- Genesis II - we'll do it for you in 6 seconds!
- Spock...: Really Doctor, you must learn to govern your passions. They will
- be your undoing. Logic suggests...
- McCoy...: My god, the man's talking about logic - we're talking about
- universal Armageddon! You green-blooded, inhuman.....
- [ Spock raises an eyebrow in his Spock fashion. ]
- Saavik..: [V.O.] Captain, long range sensors have detected a vessel which is
- closing fast.
- Kirk....: What do you make of her?
- Saavik..: It's... a cube?
- Kirk....: I'm on my way.....
- [ On the bridge..... Cue James Horner music..... 2 composers on one parody?
- Yes, no expense spared here to bring you the best parody. ]
- Spock...: Captain, we are being scanned.
- Kirk....: Do not return scan, it may be perceived as hostile. Have you tried
- communications with them, Uhura?
- Uhura...: Yes, sir, all known frequencies and languages - no reply.
- Saavik..: Sir, General Order 12 says that when communications have not been
- established.....
- Spock...: The Captain is well aware of General Order 12, Lieutenent.
- Saavik..: Aye, sir.
- Kirk....: This is damn peculiar. Sulu, magnify viewer on that ship, point 5.
- Sulu....: Yes, sir..... magnification point 5.....
- [ Everyone gasps ]
- Kirk....: Am I dreaming?
- McCoy...: If you are, then life is a dream.....
- Kirk....: Spock, a giant cube in space?
- Spock...: It's possible - we have encountered ameobas, planet killers, cans
- of dog food, flashing, blinking and beeping lights, why not oxo
- cubes?
- Kirk....: This is damn peculiar.... Red alert....
- Saavik..: Red alert - aye, sir.... energising defence fields.....
- [ The cube closes on the Enterprise. ]
- Chekov..: Kepten, ze cube is closing on us.
- Kirk....: Increase to full impulse.
- Spock...: Captain, I have no records on the design of that ship. However,
- one person on this ship may be able to help.
- Kirk....: Who?
- Spock...: Guinan, our ship's bar-manageress.
- Kirk....: Get her on the bridge.
- [ Moments later..... ]
- Kirk....: Guinan?
- Guinan..: Kirk?
- Kirk....: Guinan?
- Guinan..: Kirk?
- Kirk....: Guinan?
- Guinan..: Kirk?
- Kirk....: Guinan?
- Guinan..: Kirk?
- Kirk....: Guinan, what do you know about that cube on the viewer?
- Guinan..: Is that what you wanted? I thought that you needed a drink!
- Kirk....: Nooooo, but we need some information on the cube.
- Guinan..: They are called the Borg. They are the ultimate user, half cyborg,
- half human - I suggest that you get out of here while you can. I
- sense that sometime in the future another crew will also meet
- them.....
- Spock...: I presume you are referring to the crew of Enterprise-D?
- Guinan..: Y-Yes - but how did you know?
- Spock...: While I was dress in my alter ego form of Leonard Nimoy, I picked
- up the videos for Star Trek: The Next Generation.
- Kirk....: The Next Generation? You mean we get replaced?
- Spock...: Well, didn't you know Star Trek VI will be our last movie
- together?
- Kirk....: I was told that we would go on forever!
- Spock...: Only on re-runs.
- McCoy...: That's terrible!
- Spock...: You will get a cameo appearance as yourself in the pilot episode,
- Doctor.
- McCoy...: What! That means I will be playing a 130 year old man!
- Spock...: 137 years old to be precise, Doctor.
- McCoy...: You mean I live that long? It's that damned Vulcan Katra that you
- left in me - your revenge for all those arguments you lost when we
- did the T.V. series.
- Kirk....: Gentlemen, please, calm down. Spock, can you rig up a viewer so
- that we can see Star Trek: The Next Generation and get some help
- in defeating these Borg?
- Spock...: Yes, Captain.
- [ Suddenly..... ]
- Uhura...: Captain, the ship is signalling us.
- Kirk....: On main viewer.
- [ Cut to interior of Borg ship. ]
- Borg....: We are the Borg. We order you to surrender. We have analysed your
- technology and found you to be inferior. Resistance is futile. You
- will lower your shields and prepare to surrender. You will be
- assimulated.....
- Kirk....: Starship Captains never surrender!
- Guinan..: *Unless your name is Picard*
- Kirk....: Sulu, put some distance between us and the ship - any direction
- warp 9.
- Sulu....: Warp 9.
- [ The Enterprise goes into warp, and a moment later so does the Borg ship. ]
- Spock...: The Borg ship is following us, and catching!
- Kirk....: Increase to warp 9.5.
- Sulu....: Warp 9.5, sir.....
- Spock...: The Borg ship is now at warp 9.8.
- Kirk....: Scotty, we need all the power you can muster.
- Scotty..: But Sair, my poor wee bairns canna' take it no more, Cap'n!
- Kirk....: She can take it, Scotty. Use auxiliary power also.
- Scotty..: Aye, sir...
- Kirk....: Sulu, increase to warp 9.9.
- Spock...: Borg ship at warp 9.999999999999999999995.
- Kirk....: Right, that does it. No ship, I repeat, no ship is gonna out-run
- the Enterprise. Let's see what this baby's really got... warp
- factor 38...
- Sulu....: But sir, we can't go at warp 38 - that's impossible!
- Kirk....: Only in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Don't forget, in our show,
- we have the more ridiculous plots and the better writers. We can
- go at virtually any speeds.
- Sulu....: Aye, sir... Warp factor 38...
- Spock...: However, we cannot substain warp 38 for long. I estimate we can
- keep at that speed for approximately 8 hours, 35 minutes and
- 23.327613782 seconds.
- Kirk....: Approximately 8 hours, 35 minutes and 23.327617382 seconds, hey? I
- see.
- Spock...: I'm sorry, captain, but I said approximately 8 hours, 35 minutes
- and 23.327613782 seconds, not 8 hours, 35 minutes and 23.327617382
- seconds. Of course, that was only a rough estimate, as I do not
- have all the facts on the Borg ship.
- Kirk....: Rrrright. Sulu?
- Sulu....: Calculations for a speed of warp 38 completed. Course heading?
- Kirk....: Thataway!
- [ The Enterprise's warp engines power up to an almighty high-pitched whine,
- and then................................................... ]
- TO BE CONTINUED!!!........
- [ Scene shows the Enterprise battle-scarred; cut to a smoking and slightly
- charred bridge. ]
- Kirk....: Scotty, what's left?
- Scotty..: Main power's out, Cap'n. We're still picking up the pieces down
- here.
- [ Cut to Spock. ]
- Spock...: Minimal power only. Life support barely functional. We won't
- survive another attack.
- Kirk....: Damn!
- Uhura...: Sir, the Borg ship is signalling us. They wish to discuss terms of
- our surrender...
- [ The image of the Borg ship disappears to show - KHAN! (a "borgified"
- version). ]
- Kirk....: Khan!
- Khan....: You still remember, Captain. I cannot help but be touched. I, of
- course, remember you.
- [ Cut to external view - shot shows Borg ship firing on the Enterprise and
- the Enterprise taking a direct hit! ]